『Prix Whanki 2020』

Change in regard toPrix Whanki 2020 Competition Submission Schedule: May 25, 2020 to May 29, 2020


The Submission schedule is changed to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus infections. The scheduled Open-Presentation will be replaced with online evaluation and the schedule details will be announced later.




Prix Whanki 2020
Established with Whanki Foundation, Prix Whanki is a competition supporting artists from all over the world and contributing to open the cultural and artistic arena for everyone with a contemporary perspective. Prix Whanki encourages artists‘ will of creation for artworks and supports their passion, by prioritizing artist’s creation, art journey, and span of its very process without setting any limitations on qualifications of applicants or genres of artworks. The artworks of the selected finalists in the competition will be introduced in <Prix Whanki 2020 Special exhibition> planned through a workshop with Whanki Museum‘s Curatorial office.


We hope that Prix Whanki 2020 will be an opportunity for many artists to be artistically inspired and motivated, and kindly encourage your interest and participation.




Submission Schedule : 2020. 05. 25 ~ 05. 29

 * Please adhere to the submission schedule. Any submission before or after the scedule will not be subject to review.


Application Submission

– Registration via e-mail (whanki02@naver.com)/ It is NOT allowed to submit in person or postal service

– Title of email subject: [2020 Whanki Museum Prix Whanki entry _ooo (participant’s name)]

– Attachments: two separate files in PDF format

(1) Proposal submission : [2020 Whanki Museum Prix Whanki entry_ooo( participant’s name)_Proposal]

(2) Artist’s CV: [2020 Whanki Museum Prix Whanki entry_ooo(participant’s name)_CV]

* Additional submissions (video clips about artworks, simulation data in case of installation artwork, etc) : upload through Webhard

[Whanki Musuem Webhard >ID: whanki / PW: whanki123 ]   

[How to upload files > Login > GUEST Folder > Upload-only Folder > [2020 Whanki Museum Prix Whanki entry] Folder > add a folder named [participant’s name] and upload submissions

* Submission of CV and artwork proposal is required. Submitting the images of artworks only will NOT be considered.

* Please make sure to write your [contact information] in the artist‘s CV.

(We will not be responsible for any disadvantages caused by misinformed contact information.)


Eligibility: artists from all over the world who are over 25 years old and have work experience of at least one solo exhibition.



– The competition will consider artworks with ’space-specific’ storytelling that projects the artists’ [own space of work], which will be displayed in the exhibition room with the size of [108.38] located on the second floor of Annex building of Whanki Museum.

– The competition aims [artwork proposal that develops into unified storytelling] based on the given specific space, and it will be evaluated by criteria such as ‘space-specific’ factors that transform the physical space into [space within the artwork]. A mere ‘artwork installation proposal’ or ‘exhibition’ will not be subject to review.

– This competition is not a call for the artists but for ’the artworks submission’ regardless of the genre of the works.

– Space Information: 13.74m (W)/ 7.98m (L) / 5.48 (H)


The first selection announcement: June 10 (Wed), 2020 / individually notified


Open-presentation for the first selection will be held in between June and July, a workshop for the special exhibition of the finalists’ artworks will be held in between August and September, and the special exhibition will be held from October to November. The schedule may vary depending on the measures to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading.
Please refer to the notice board on our website for the detailed schedule.